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Helping lawyers upgrade their practices for the Digital Age, by using technology better (i.e. working less, earning more, and spending more time relaxing and having fun)

Dec 31, 2019

Working on your business requires focus, and I recommend you focus on simple text automation and basic outsourcing using these tools/services:

  • TextExpander; - subscription service provides the ability to trigger text macros in any text input field, email or word processing area. If you can’t leverage TextExpander...

Dec 24, 2019

There are 3 levels of automation. You need to progress through these levels to fully harness the power of the 12 most essential tools that will transform your practice.

Episode Show notes:

There are 12 Automation Essentials (see my YouTube video if you want a visual refresher), and here are links to the topics discussed...

Dec 17, 2019

What do grifters, con-artists and magicians know about persuasion that lawyers don’t know, but should? Listen and find out.


Here are show notes for this episode:

Dec 10, 2019

The fundamentals of running any kind of business apply to running a law practice, but where can you learn those fundamentals most easily and conveniently?

Here are show notes for this episode:

General Resources

  • Learn to use technology to reduce friction...

Dec 3, 2019

This episode features two recommendations: a new course on how to get referrals more easily, and how to drastically improve your negotiation skills.

Here are links to the resources mentioned in this episode: